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Electromagnetic waves are invisible but constantly present in our everyday life. Actually all electrical equipment (household, industrial, medical, scientific) emit waves into the environment and interfere with other devices. They are also sensitive to such external radiation.

Electromagnetic compatibility is the ability of different electronic devices and components to work correctly even in the presence of other devices that emit electromagnetic waves and not to disturb the surrounding devices. Based on many years of scientific research the specific standards with the requirements and testing methods for electromagnetic compatibility have been developed.

UkrTEST regularly upgrades its testing facilities with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment for a full range of tests of all types of electrical products.

Test results provided by UkrTEST can serve as enough evidentiary base for compliance products with requirements of EU Directive 2014/30/EU «Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)» and Technical Regulation.

We also provide the opportunity for manufacturers to use our testing base to improve their products under conditions of the confidentiality and impartiality.

Accredited scope for electromagnetic compatibility


Mr. Oleksandr Kripakov

Deputy Head of EMC testing department

+ 38 044 526 12 42
